Kedron Brook Study
The Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission is conducting a flood resiliency and nutrient management assessment of Kedron Brook in South Woodstock and Woodstock Village. This assessment is a physical assessment of the brook and surrounding lands with a goal of improving water quality and strengthening community flood resiliency. Bear Creek Environmental, LLC (BCE) is working with the Ottauquechee Natural Resources Conservation District and Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission to conduct these surveys.
Once the complete field surveys characterize the brook, we would like to work with willing landowners to increase safety by reducing flood and erosion hazards, as well as to identify and remediate inputs of pollutants to improve water quality in the brook, which is listed by the State of Vermont as being stressed by sediment, nutrient, and E. coli pollutants. These initiatives will also save taxpayer money, help safeguard your part of the river and achieve a healthier river overall. For more information - HERE
Mill Brook Study
A multi-town watershed-wide efforts was catalyzed by the High Meadows Fund and the March 2015 Leahy Environmental Summit at the Lake Champlain at the Echo Science Center. These short and engaging videos were produced by Fran Stoddard and Peregrine Productions and feature the voices of community members, students, conservation district managers and regional planners among others. View HERE
Black River Action Team
Volunteers spend the summer water testing the Black River and tributaries to insure that swimming holes are safe.
Volunteers for water testing needed!
Ottauquechee River Mill Brook Kedron Brook
Volunteers needed to collect water samples 5 mornings during the summer. Training provided. Join the growing group of Vermonters investing in insuring that Vermont's waters remain clean!
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